Nate’s Monday Morning MessageVolume 1,020

Welcome to this week’s Monday Morning Message! I want to give a big shout out to all the kids, parents and teachers who survived the first week of “virtual” school – and for those of you who might be starting this week. I know in my house, the first day of school for Mila was a lot different than last year, and certainly not what we had hoped for this year. However, challenges like this give us an opportunity to think outside the box, innovate, adapt, and overcome – but not without some patience and grace. This week let’s focus on taking a deep breath in those overwhelming moments and practicing the art of patience. We are in this together. Let’s make it a great week! 

PS You are Invited! Please mark your calendar for Friday, August 14th at 5pm so you can join us for a live streaming concert featuring local talent, Throwing Fitz to benefit our fundraising efforts which will support Phoenix Children’s Hospital for the Month of Miracles. Click here to RSVP! Because this is virtual, we would also like you to extend the invitation to your family, friends and anyone who might enjoy a fun filled evening of music right from the comfort of their home!

PSS You are also invited to join us for a FREE CE class, Solar and Real Estate: What you need to know happening on Thursday, August 20th at 9am. See the flyer below for more information, and click here to RSVP.


PATIENCE written by Oguh Stanley

PATIENCE is one virtue so rareThat is often missing in our daily affair

PATIENCE is a companion of wisdomHe who has it stands among kings in any kingdomIt is an habit that cannot be thrown out of the windowWithout it lives you in a place of limbo

PATIENCE is not just how long we waitBut how we behave while we waitIt is a virtue of grace put together to make a pretty faceOne year of patience equals ten years of peace

PATIENCE is the key to contentmentThat locks every gate of resentmentOne ounce of patience is more than pounds of brainsInvesting in the bank of patience yield no loss but more gains

PATIENCE makes lighter what impatience may not healDriving through a narrow road but on a balance wheelA heart fuel with patience drives with an unseen speedIt might be a soar fruit but with a sweet seed

PATIENCE is truly a virtue acquire it if you canIt will make you a good father, a better mother and a perfect human


“I think the teaching profession contributes more to the future of our society than any other single profession.” - John Wooden

“A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning.” - Brad Henry

“The one exclusive sign of thorough knowledge is the power of teaching.” – Aristotle

Nate Martinez, RE/MAX

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