In this episode I share with you a Vagrein channeling transmission that came through in September 2021. At the time I was being asked to undergo a medical procedure as a requirement to continue performing my responsibilities as a parent in picking my son up from daycare. If I underwent the procedure, I could collect him. If I didn't, I couldn't and he could no longer go to school, meaning that I would have him at home with me and I could no longer do my work.

I felt disempowered and desperate. I felt cornered and like my freedoms were being taken from me. And most of all I felt scared. I was afraid of what might happen to my body because of the procedure and if my health would be compromised either short or long term.

Vagrein aided me in remembering the nature of the universe (benevolent) and that in reality all that is in creation is a reflection of our own inner being state. 

I hope this episode brings you some relief if you are facing similar situations or circumstances or have done in the past (haven't we all by now?)

If you would like to know more about Vagrein then please download your free chapters of Vagrein : Seeking Ends When Sharing Begins over on

And let's be friends! Join me over on Instagram to get to know each other better.