Many people suffer with chronic illness whether as an active disease or simply as a diagnosis that is in remission or maintained. A huge element of remaining well when having bodily challenges in managing the emotional component of existing with a disease or the symptoms and complications it causes in everyday life.

I have first hand personal experience with chronic disease having lives with a rare autoimmune condition called Mixed Connective Tissue Disease for the past 22 years and while I have had fortune in keeping my sometimes debilitating symptoms at bay with lifestyle choices and support from alternative and allopathic(traditional) medicines, there are times when I have an active disease flare and have to deal with the challenges and invitations that that presents in my everyday life. One of the hugest challenges is my own emotional response to the flare, but I have learnt that panic, fear, anxiety and depression do not help the physical symptoms or my quality of life. What does help is finding peace and clarity with what-is in any given moment and choosing to make rational decisions from a place of emotional clarity as to what treatment, help and care I need during these moments of disease activity.

EFT tapping has been a huge resource to me for finding the needed peace and clarity and is an amazing tool to use to find wellbeing again, no matter what the physical body presents with.

I am sharing this raw, spontaneous tapping that I recorded while dealing with the most intense flare I have had for the past 4 years with you so that if you are experiencing any level of interaction with a chronic dis-ease, illness or condition, you too can find that sense of motivation to move forward, and relief and clarity that comes with being OKAY with whatever is showing up in your experience.

Much love,




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Photo by Matteo Vistocco on Unsplash