Speaker: Jared Spool

We are in an age where poor user experiences become the focus of nationwide attention. One doesn’t need to look beyond recent catastrophes, such as Apple’s iOS6 Maps, Healthcare.gov, and the demise of Blackberry’s smartphone to see the necessity of getting the experience right.

Yet, what do we know about ensuring our next design isn’t going down the same road as those that have failed before us? We need to understand how design integrates with our organization’s strategy, to ensure we’re supporting and enhancing it, not taking away from it.

In what may possibly be his most entertaining presentation ever, Jared will show you how to integrate user experience strategy with your business’s objectives. He’ll explore the world of business models, demonstrating the role a UX strategy plays in providing significant value to the organization’s bottom line.

You’ll learn:

- How an expanded notion of content is critical to understanding the value of user experience.

- Where to tailor your design strategy to the five priorities every senior executive cares about.

- Which of the emerging business model variations for content might be the right direction for your business.