On this episode of the Utterly Moderate Podcast, host Lawrence Eppard is joined by former Republican South Carolina Congressman and current executive director of RepublicEN.org Bob Inglis.

On their website, RepublicEN asserts that, “We are the EcoRight. . . We stand together because we believe in the power of American free enterprise and innovation to solve climate change. Together, we encourage, embolden, and applaud conservative climate leadership. . . The age of conservative climate disputation is over.” Check them out at RepublicEN.org!

Eppard talks to Inglis about his intellectual journey on climate change, the work that they do at RepublicEN, how conservative principles can help solve the problem of climate change, as well as the future of the GOP.

Then in segment two Eppard discusses a variety of news items, including:

Arbery Killers Get Life in Prison; No Parole for Father, Son” by Ross Bynum, Associated Press, Jan. 7, 2022
I Spent Insurrection Week Listening to Steve Bannon” by Tim Miller, the Bulwark, Jan. 10, 2022
“‘I’m Tired of Being Quiet’: Biden and Harris Make Forceful Push for Voting Rights” by Myah Ward, Politico, Jan. 11, 2022

Episode music:

“Please Listen Carefully” by Jahzzar (creative commons)
“Draw the Sky” by Paul Keane (licensed through TakeTones)
“Druckstellen” by Ibi (creative commons)
“Happy Trails (To You)” by the Riders in the Sky (used with artist’s permission)


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