We talk to Michael Bon, founder of the Collective Science Platform (CoScience) on his take on the big sin of academia and how reviving the scientific debate in the digital age make science great again.

Show notes:
+ Climate Helpdesk: https://www.klimaathelpdesk.org/
+ National measures to combat threats against scientists: https://www.vsnu.nl/en_GB/news-items.html/nieuwsbericht/788-universiteiten-nemen-landelijke-maatregelen-tegen-bedreiging-wetenschappers
+ Elisabeth Bik: https://scienceintegritydigest.com/about/
+ Better animal research through Open Science: https://www.uu.nl/en/events/better-animal-research-through-open-science
+ The Collective Science Platform: https://www.sjscience.org/about-sjs