Previous Episode: Change & Me - EP01

If changemaking means ‘involving people’, ‘forming a community’ and ‘create something together’... then how is it happening? How do people work together? How do we form communities, find the common points and communicate to each other? What is the language of change? Marta, Nana and Alex visited the studio to exchange their ideas and discuss these questions.


‘CHANGE THE SYSTEM AND CREATE A BETTER FUTURE!’ - trendy to say, trickier to answer: what does it actually mean? Who, where, when, why, how and with whom can, want or need to change? Lots of questions, with even more possible answers. In this podcast, changemaking is unpacked by young Master’s students and how they think, feel and act all around it. A Cultural Anthropology student, Borbála (Borcsi) Jáger invites students from the Young Innovators Honours Program at Utrecht University to bring their stories of change, ask questions and exchange ideas. All of this to explore… What does one mean by change?