Anneke Wensing and Merel de Koning from Amelisweerd niet Geasfalteerd and Maarten van Deursen from Utrecht Natuurlijk join us in this episode of the Anders Utrecht podcast series. Together with Giuseppe Feola from Utrecht University, we talk about the importance of the natural environment and green spaces in the city of Utrecht. How do grassroots organisations work to preserve green areas in the context of increasing urbanisation and city expansion? Is there a need to rethink the role of the natural environment in our conception of societal wellbeing? In which ways do these organisations engage with politics? What is the role of the citizen and citizen activism in preserving the natural environment of the city? Tune in to learn more about Utrecht Natuurlijk and Amelisweerd niet Geasfalteerd and what you can do differently in Anders Utrecht!

Podcast Production: Belle Tonk
Podcast Editing: Julie Yu
Jingle Composer: Onur Alakavuklar