Eline Verhoeven from Milieucentrum Utrecht and Maarten ten Huurne from Hogeschool Utrecht join us in this episode of AndersUtrecht podcast series. With Yousra Rahmouni Elidrissi from Utrecht University School of Governance, we talk about the role of citizenship initiatives concerning climate change and energy transition in the Utrecht Region. What role can citizens play in documenting climate change and creating awareness in urban areas? What does energy transition mean for communities and their neighbourhoods? What are the social aspects of climate change and energy transition in Utrecht and around? Please tune in to know more about Milieucentrum Utrecht and local energy transition projects, and what you can do differently in AndersUtrecht!

P.S. Details about the measuring station can be found at https://www.meetjestad.net/nl/Bouwen_en_programmeren_van_het_meetstation, please also check https://mcu.nl/projecten/meet-je-stad-utrecht/ for the details of the project ‘Meet Je Stad Utrecht’

Podcast Production: Belle Tonk
Podcast Editing: Julie Yu
Jingle Composer: Onur Alakavuklar