Evan Peikon is a coach, a translational sports scientist, and an educator at the Training Think Tank HQ in Atlanta, GA. Evan is a former track & field athlete and has learned from world-leading experts in applied muscle physiology and performance. His goal is to identify limiting factors in sports performance and develop methods to break through those barriers, and he has experience working with athletes on-site and remotely across the U.S. and internationally. 

Evan on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/evan_peikon/
Upside Strength Podcast #15 with Evan: https://youtu.be/svBYe_h61ok
Pat Davidson is a Strength Coach and a PHD in exercise physiology. He’s the Author of the training books MASS 1 and MASS 2 and he lectures across the world with his seminar titled rethinking the big patterns.

Pat Davidson on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.patdavidson/
Pat Davidson Power Hour: https://www.hypegym.com/education-events
Upside Strength Podcast #12 with Pat: https://youtu.be/9gTcERA-cmw
0:35 - Intro
2:23 - Pat: What is hypertrophy?
5:36 - Evan: What is hypertrophy? (continued)
8:02 - Pat: On the complexity of physiology as a product of evolution
15:01 - Evan: The role of physics in evolution and physiology
17:55 - Pat: Why would a human want to put on muscle mass?
23:01 - Evan: Making the environment “good enough” for hypertrophy?
25:23 - Pat & Evan: How to best track/measure hypertrophy?
27:20 - Pat: What is the cost of having more muscle mass?
35:02 - Evan: Bioenergetic limiters in hypertrophy
39:09 - Evan: Morphotype and bioenergetic limiters
41:21 - Pat: Are limiters too simplistic in the realm of energetics?
48:02 - Evan: The oxygen conforming response in hypertrophy
52:52 - Pat: The mechanisms behind hypertrophy
56:49 - Evan: Mechanisms don’t change training protocols & is knowing always a good thing? (S)
1:00:14 - Evan & Pat: Which population can benefit the most from using monitoring technology?
1:11:34 - Evan: The utility of monitoring technology in sports
1:15:09 - Pat: Monitoring technology as positive reinforcement and individualized feedback (S)
1:21:31 - Evan: NIRS as maximum effective volume monitor
1:25:00 - Pat & Evan: Monitoring tech for athletes & gen pop
— Instagram Questions —
1:42:25 - Evan & Pat: How to determine minimum effective dose/volume for hypertrophy? - Ryan (@dhd_ry)
1:46:13 - Pat: Are deloads necessary when doing a hypertrophy-focused cycle? - Ryan (@dhd_ry)
[Only Even moving forward]
1:49:34 - How should “going to failure” be used in the context of hypertrophy training? - Ryan (@dhd_ry)
1:51:27 - Hwo to determine max productive volume without NIRS?
1:52:58 - What is the best way to program hypertrophy in season for a rugby athlete who needs to gain mass without negatively impacting his athletic performance? - Hugo (@rugby_physio) and Mathias (@munkemotivet) 
1:54:17 - Cluster sets to improve strength without hypertrophy
1:55:13 - What is the ideal RPE for hypertrophy? - Dylan (@coach_dylanh)
1:57:24 - How does lifting tempo and load affect hypertrophy (ex: 4040 @40% 1RM VS 40X0 above 80% 1RM)? - Mikołaj (@walczak_mikolaj)
02:00:58 - How to hypertrophy slow twitch muscle fibers? - Mikołaj (@walczak_mikolaj)
2:03:38 - How to minimize hypertrophy and maximize strength gains? - Mikołaj (@walczak_mikolaj)
2:04:29 - Is it necessary for a natural lifter to lift like a powerlifter in order to gain muscle mass? Brandon (@friendlyneighborhoodasian24)
2:05:43 - What are the main nutritional requirements for hypertrophy?

Full Video Interview: https://youtu.be/LkazRXWLbhU