Kim Ades is the president and founder of Frame of Mind Coaching and JournalEngineTM Software. Author, speaker, entrepreneur, coach, and mother of five, Kim is recognized as one of North America’s foremost experts on performance through thought mastery. Using her unique philosophy and quirky coaching style, Kim helps her clients shift their thinking in order to yield extraordinary results and personal transformation.

During our interview Kim shares her unique approach to coaching and her journey as a coach and entrepreneur. She also goes beyond coaching and provides some wonderful insights into how parents and leaders can benefit from thinking differently about how they guide their children and teams.

Show Notes:

Emotional resilience is a key to business success
Kim’s use of journaling to overcome hurdles in personal life
The ability to take the negative and turn it into something positive
Being able to visualize what you want is necessary to get there
How journaling helped Kim to keep her equilibrium
How Kim’s and Uphill Strategies’ methods of coaching differs from the accountability model of coaching – understanding and aligning beliefs, uncovering obstacles and defining goals because behavior follows belief
Importance of equipping yourself with the right tools to succeed in a new venture
Digging into the uncomfortable areas, building real trust and creating strong relationships are important in coaching relationships
Not allowing bumps in the road, even big ones, to stop you from pursuing your dreams
How coaching certification can be valuable even if you don’t become a coach as a profession
Kim’s view of “parenting” vs. “child-ing” and the importance of providing guidance and allowing kids to learn to make decisions on their own
Don’t give answers to remember, but instead, give questions to solve
Daily habits that keep Kim positive and help her maintain alignment
Having empathy vs. having compassion
Collecting evidence that you live a rich life builds and helps maintain momentum
What Kim is optimistic about for 2017

Connect with Kim:

Twitter: @kimades

INTRO AND OUTRO MUSIC (Used by permission):

No Worries (© 2014 Anderson Music, LLC)

Gotta Move On (© 2014 Anderson Music, LLC)

Uphill Conversations is a POTAD, LLC production (Partnership of Thinking and Doing)

© 2017 Uphill Conversations

The post 29: Kim Ades – Journaling with Purpose appeared first on Uphill Conversations.


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