Welcome to A Healthier View with Hosts Beth and Dr. Scott Clitheroe with Special Guest Scott Hamiliton, Author, Olympic Gold Medalist, Figure Skater

“We don't control the number of days we have on this earth; we only control what we do with them.” Scott Hamilton

Join Beth and Dr. Clitheroe as they speak with Scott Hamilton. Scott is a retired figure skater and Olympic gold medalist. He won four US championships, four consecutive World Championships, and a gold medal in the 84 Olympics. 

In this episode, they discuss his skating career, his books and his new program called Live Your Days.  Live Your Days is a new innovative, fun and thought-provoking online 30-day challenge that will encourage you to enjoy the journey of life by remaining present and celebrating the small things. What would your life look like if you really learned how to Live Your Days? Click here to enroll in this unique 30-day challenge.  https://liveyourdays.com/  Each day, you’ll receive daily inspiration and prompts to show you how to live a life where not a single moment is wasted.

The opinions expressed during this broadcast are for information and inspiration.

To learn more about the show, the hosts, guests and to subscribe visit A Healthier View's showpage at www.up2meradio.com

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