In this week’s podcast, I have a conversation with my wife, Cynthia M. Parker, a Colorado real estate broker who turned her career around, with tremendous success.

Cynthia moved to Denver in 2006, following a career in law enforcement that ranged from being a police officer to working in a prison as a maximum-security corrections officer.

After enrolling in a real estate classes, she decided to work as a part-time agent before taking it on as a full-time occupation. She then became tired of the bureaucracy and glass ceilings she encountered in law enforcement.

She is fascinated and engaged by the buyers she encounters; being especially drawn to the millennials she works with. Some people think millennials are lazy. She wouldn't dare say that after working with so many brilliant millennials. That's why she takes every opportunity to feed off their enthusiasm and learn what she can from them.

On this episode, Cynthia and I discussed:

•Working with millennials and how she prepares them for the process of buying a home.
•What she would do differently in her career.
•Networking tips and how to navigate the stress of networking events.
•How to meet new clients.
•The difficulties encountered when setting up a new business.
•The importance of people being aware of what they're getting into and being ready to make mistakes.
•What it takes to be happy in your work and your business.
•What success really means to her.

Cynthia's site allows potential buyers to download an app that they can use to simply take a photo of a house they may be interested in, and easily obtain all the relevant information about it.  

She also suggests signing up at which provides people with the most up-to-date information as to when houses appear on the market.  

You can find out more information about Cynthia via her website

Thanks for listening. Remember to subscribe, rate and review the podcast. You can get in touch with me at [email protected]  


In this week’s podcast, I have a conversation with my wife, Cynthia M. Parker, a Colorado real estate broker who turned her career around, with tremendous success.

Cynthia moved to Denver in 2006, following a career in law enforcement that ranged from being a police officer to working in a prison as a maximum-security corrections officer.

After enrolling in a real estate classes, she decided to work as a part-time agent before taking it on as a full-time occupation. She then became tired of the bureaucracy and glass ceilings she encountered in law enforcement. She is fascinated and engaged by the buyers she encounters; being especially drawn to the millennials she works with. Some people think millennials are lazy. She wouldn't dare say that after working with so many brilliant millennials. That's why she takes every opportunity to feed off their enthusiasm and learn what she can from them.

On this episode, Cynthia and I discussed:

•Working with millennials and how she prepares them for the process of buying a home. •What she would do differently in her career. •Networking tips and how to navigate the stress of networking events. •How to meet new clients. •The difficulties encountered when setting up a new business. •The importance of people being aware of what they're getting into and being ready to make mistakes. •What it takes to be happy in your work and your business. •What success really means to her.

Cynthia's site allows potential buyers to download an app that they can use to simply take a photo of a house they may be interested in, and easily obtain all the relevant information about it.  

She also suggests signing up at which provides people with the most up-to-date information as to when houses appear on the market.  

You can find out more information about Cynthia via her website

Thanks for listening. Remember to subscribe, rate and review the podcast. You can get in touch with me at [email protected]