Have you ever heard people say, ‘that was such a stressful situation’? Well, that sentence doesn’t make logical sense. No situation is inherently stressful. It’s just the reaction to the situation that causes stress. That’s why some people can enjoy a public speaking gig in front of thousands of people, and others faint just at the idea of it. If you are stressed out, maybe it’s time for you to look inward and understand why you are reacting that way. Can you associate the ‘stressful’ tasks to a higher goal that exhilarates you? Can you reframe your current bodily feelings from ‘stressful’ to ‘exciting’? A rush of adrenaline is neither good nor bad. Some pay to go bungee jumping to get the same physical reaction you would get if you were literally falling from a mountain. When you understand that you can reframe your physical sensations and work with them instead of resisting them, negative stress will disappear, and what was hurting you before will just be a healthy challenge to overcome.