So you have a few clients, and you know it’s time to take your biz to the next level. First off, congrats! You made it past the first big filter. Now it’s time to learn a new series of skills. What took you here, won’t be enough to take you to new heights. Yes, you are consistent and motivated. You are also great at offering your service or selling your product. But do you know how to create systems and lead people? The good news is that virtually every business model will require the same skills at the scaling stage, and they all revolve around people management, money management, and process management. Before you embark on this journey, prepare yourself! Take courses on all those topics, get a mentor that can share with you what works what doesn’t. Making a mistake when your business is making 5k a month is not a big deal. But if you make a mistake when your business is making 25k a month, it can take you months to recover. Be smart! Balance learning and doing, and you will be set for life!