Is your sales process getting any more comfortable with time?
I have been in sales for a decade now, and just a few years ago, I realized how to make my work (and life) easier.
For years I was working with the same exact sales deck and pitch. Results were ok, but they were not getting any better with time.
Then one day, I realized that I had quite a few success stories, but I wasn’t sharing their successes with my prospects.
“What if I constantly update my pitch and my lead generation system to reflect my results?”
That one question changed my game forever!
The first time I had proof that this was going to work was when I had a fantastic month with my agency while working with a clothing e-commerce store. 
The first thing I did was focus all my energy on reaching out to other clothing companies in a different region and start the conversation with all my social proof and case studies.
My booking rate skyrocketed, and my close rate did as well.
Then I had an amazing month with a food company, I followed the same process, and within weeks I had three more clients in that niche.
Your sales process is not set in stone, go with the flow! Leverage your wins to get more wins, and you will soon find yourself with a lot more deals and a lot fewer headaches.