Isometric’s Georgia Dow joins us to discuss good and bad enemy AI. After an important word on Gamergate, we dig in to the sophisticated AI of Pac-Man. We go in depth on Shadows of Mordor and its Nemesis System, and the AI in various other games, stealth and otherwise. Allen complains about bad RPG AI, Nigel tells us of bad car AI, and Georgia gives us some very crucial information about pandas.

Isometric 24 where Brianna Wu discusses the awful harassment and threats she’s received
Gamergate coverage on Deadspin, Wikipedia, and NYMag
ATP episodes 81 and 88 where they discuss Gamergate
Georgia and Allen’s game of the month, Shadows of Mordor
Five Nights at Freddy’s
Isometric No. 1, #PandaEquality
Wikipedia on the Giant Panda

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