SmartEtailing has clients all over North America and the pandemic interrupted one of Ryan's favorite work activities - visiting stores and talking to retailers about their businesses. While the pandemic is certainly not 'over', there has been enough improvement that he felt good about testing the traveling waters and he recently returned from a few dealer visits in Southern California. We're anxious to hear what he learned .... and that's what's up next!

We also publish Up Next on our YouTube channel if you'd like to watch while you listen. Here is our Up Next playlist and a link to this episode.

Be sure to email your questions to [email protected]. We read all emails sent and we look forward to hearing from you.

If you're a Workstand client with questions about your subscription, email [email protected] or call 303-527-0676 x 1. If you are not currently a Workstand client with questions about how our programs work, email [email protected].

Find Us on LinkedIn
Ryan Atkinson, President + Co-Owner
Suzie Livingston, Marketing + Communications
Mark Still, Business Development

We also publish Around the Workstand on our YouTube channel if you'd like to watch while you listen. Here is our Around the Workstand playlist.

If you have any questions about the topics discussed in this episode of Around the Workstand or if you have ideas for new topics we can cover, schedule a time to meet with Mark Still here or email mark.s@works...