In the 50s it was ace to be cooking with gas. In the 60s the cool cats, they were hip to it. In the 70s it was outta sight. In the 80s it was awesome....

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In the 50s it was ace to be cooking with gas.

In the 60s the cool cats, they were hip to it.

In the 70s it was outta sight.

In the 80s it was awesome.

In the 90s it was all that – and a bag of chips.


And then social media came on the scene.

And nothing remained the same.

So what’s the buzz? What’s happening?

In our fractured attention economy what are the big cultural moments that young people care about?


In this podcast MaryLeigh Bliss, Chief Content Officer at YPulse, shares their latest trend report on young consumers and pop culture. How they’re redefining the creating, shaping and sharing of popular cultural moments.


Topics include:

The amount of time brands have to jump into pop culture conversations and what it means for leaders who are managing social media teams.
How young consumers are re-writing the tent-pole event calendar and why marketers might want to create a Venn diagram of their target consumers and the musicians they love.
We all know it’s a positive to be viral, but it turns out that it just might be viral to be positive.
How brands should be thinking of their marketing calendars.
How some brands are teaming with creators and influencers to not only participate in pop culture, but also create it.

As Chief Content Officer, MaryLeigh Bliss oversees YPulse’s syndicated products. Her role also involves acting as a culture and youth insights expert, consulting with brands to identify actionable insights, align young consumer strategy, and layer generational and youth knowledge over data findings.

MaryLeigh has worked with a range of brands, including Facebook, Hampton, Bravo, HBO, Target, Best Buy, and Gap, and has been quoted as a youth insights authority by publications including The New York Times, Digiday, Business Insider, and Adweek. She has appeared as a Gen Z and Millennial expert on Bloomberg News, Fortune, and NPR Marketplace, and been a speaker at many off-sites and conferences. MaryLeigh’s interest in youth culture originated from her love of YA literature and pop culture anthropology, and she is continuing her passion for decoding and demystifying the next generations of consumers at YPulse.

YPulse is the leading authority on Millennials and Gen Z: tweens, teens, college students and young adults. We provide strategic insight to companies and organizations via our subscription-based syndicated research content as well as our custom research and consulting services. Staffed with a cross-functional team of researchers, marketers, writers, and technologists, we give our clients a 360-degree view of what it’s like to be a Millennial or Gen Z in America today.

Learn More:

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MaryLeigh Bliss

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Additional GenZ & Millennial Consumer Research & Related Interviews:

From 2021

GenZ & Millennials – the self-taught generations 
Work Priorities for Young Consumers 
The Future of Live Experiences 
 Social Media Trends (Summer 2021)
GenZ & Brands
Diversity & Inclusion 
Social Media Trends (Spring 2021) 
Privacy & Data Security 
Love & Covid
2020s Impact on Young Consumers’ Brand Affinity

From 2020

On the 2020 Holiday Season
On Retail Trends During Covid19
On Brand Activism & The Young Consumer
On Attitudes About Home
On Transportation Trends
On Young Consumers State of Mind at the end of 2020

The post YPulse. Pop Culture & Young Consumers. appeared first on Up Next.

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