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Today we’re speaking to Daniel Glazer about scaling tech companies from across the Atlantic into the US. Wilson Sonsini is the leading provider of legal services to technology and life sciences clients. For nearly six...

The post Daniel Glazer. The British Invasion: Scaling Tech Companies from the UK into the US appeared first on Up Next.

Today we’re speaking to Daniel Glazer about scaling tech companies from across the Atlantic into the US.

Wilson Sonsini is the leading provider of legal services to technology and life sciences clients. For nearly six decades, they have represented the technology pioneers associated with virtually every milestone innovation. Today, they are synonymous with ushering promising, innovative companies through their business life cycle.

Dan is an American technology lawyer, strategic business advisor, and the founding partner of Wilson Sonsini’s London office. Working out of London, he advises companies from the UK and Europe that moving into their US life cycle.

Topics in today’s interview include:

How the Silicon Valley tech ecosystem is different from London and what this means for companies based in London.
Why early stage companies moving into the US expand into the valley, but later stage companies target cities like New York and Boston.
Why Brexit hasn’t changed things, but COVID has.
Why an understanding of US labor costs is critical when considering a move to the US.
The biggest mistake that companies make when launching in the US.
Diversity and inclusion in the tech and some steps that are being taken to improve things.

Daniel Glazer is an American technology lawyer, strategic business advisor, and the founding partner of Wilson Sonsini’s London office. Since the 2010 launch of the UK Government’s “Tech City” initiative, Dan has advised high-growth UK and other European technology and life sciences companies on raising capital, expanding their businesses into US markets, and connecting with investors, corporates, advisors, and other stakeholders.

Dan also leads the firm’s US Expansion group, which focuses on advising UK and other non-US technology and life sciences companies through their US life cycle: US launch, expansion, commercial contracts, fundraising, M&A, and IPO.

Dan is a Fellow at Tech Nation, the British-American Project and the Royal Society of Arts, was appointed a GlobalScot trade advisor by the Scottish Government, and worked with the US Department of Commerce to develop its SelectUSA Tech program supporting non-US technology companies with US expansion.

Dan has been honored as The American Lawyer’s “Transatlantic Innovator of the Year” and by UK Tech News as one of London’s top “International Connectors.”

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About Wilson Sonsini

Since its inception, Wilson Sonsini has maintained an active role in Silicon Valley’s technology ecosystem by working with top innovators and entrepreneurs, and the funding sources that support them.

Their position as the leading provider of legal services to technology and life sciences clients was earned by representing the disruptive, market-creating companies that influenced every milestone marking an evolution in technology—from the semiconductor, computer, and software pioneers of the 1970s and 1980s to today’s life sciences, internet, and social media innovators.

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Wilson Sonsini

The post Daniel Glazer. The British Invasion: Scaling Tech Companies from the UK into the US appeared first on Up Next.

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