“… for women, there is so much about becoming an entrepreneur that begins with transforming the way you think.”   ~ Charlene Walters, MBA, PhD, Launch Your Inner Entrepreneur: 10 Mindset Shifts for Women to...

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“… for women, there is so much about becoming an entrepreneur that begins with transforming the way you think.”
~ Charlene Walters, MBA, PhD, Launch Your Inner Entrepreneur: 10 Mindset Shifts for Women to Take Action, Unleash Creativity and Achieve Financial Success (McGraw-Hill; February 24, 2021)


From funding to how-to books, the conversation around entrepreneurship is overwhelmingly focused on male founders, readers and businesses. This is a surprising fact when one considers that fully 42% of small businesses or franchise owners are women and the roughly 13 million female-owned businesses generate $1.9 trillion in revenue. Charlene is working to change that and has written a book that is specifically targeting women who are exploring starting their own ventures.

In today’s podcast Charlene discusses her book and some of the mindset changes that women need to take in order to achieve their entrepreneurial dreams. 

Topics include:

How to combat Imposter Syndrome.
Why setting SMART goals is important (and what they are).
Why tackling the “meh” in your schedule might just kick start your day.
Why you should say “yes” to saying “no” and how to decide when to use this powerful word.
How to approach social platforms and leverage them to your advantage – without getting overwhelmed.
Why your intuition is the secret weapon in your leadership arsenal.
How to recharge and avoid burning yourself out.

Charlene Walters, MBA, PhD,  is an entrepreneurship coach, business and branding mentor, speaker and author of Launch Your Inner Entrepreneur. In Launch Your Inner Entrepreneur, Charlene covers exactly what women in business specifically need to know—from “Dealing with Haters” and “Closing the Confidence Gap” to “Overcoming Impostor Syndrome” and “Tips to Fight Self-Sabotage.” Her other book (pre-publication) is a memoir about overcoming tragedy/loss and moving forward in life based on her own personal experience. Additionally, Charlene serves as a mentor on Entrepreneur magazine’s “Ask an Expert” forum and through her own consulting business (Charlene Walters, MBA, PhD, LLC), is featured among other CEOs, influencers and celebrities on the BAM Network and was recently selected as one of 150 Marketers to Follow by Rubicly. 

Charlene also developed a digital entrepreneurship MBA program and is an entrepreneur who enjoys combining her knowledge and love of marketing and business strategy with her passion for innovation and desire to help others succeed. Her biggest fulfillment comes from working one-on-one with businesses and individuals to launch their startups, hone their personal brands and further their business strategies and personal/professional goals. Charlene also writes a blog called Entrepreneurship, Life Enthusiasm & Energizing Your Brand and has contributed to numerous publications on business and motivational topics including Entrepreneur, Forbes, Woman’s Day, UpJourney, Fupping, Bustle, Business Insider, Thrive Global, Redbook, Authority Magazine, Women’s Health and more. She is also a frequent podcast guest and corporate trainer who has also taught hundreds of business, marketing and entrepreneurship courses and workshops for businesses and universities.

Charlene’s consulting business focuses mainly on mentoring and corporate workshops and training.

Mentoring Sessions Charlene works one on one with clients to determine their individual needs and goals. She uses a 6-part system to focus on Goal Setting/Planning, Action Management (Execution, Micro-Steps and Tactical Plans), Time Management and Scheduling, Work Life Balance and Self-Improvement, Personal Branding/Building Visibility, and Accountability. It is a circular process and can vary depending on the client’s unique needs. Her ultimate goal is to provide the highest level of value for each client. Consulting and project work can also be tailored based on the client’s individual goals. 

Corporate Workshops/Training Some of the Workshops that Charlene presents include:

How to Develop Influence/Presence
How to Master a Remote Work Environment/Leadership
How to Foster Work-Life Balance
How to Become More Innovative and Resilient
How to Think Like an Entrepreneur/Develop an Owners’ Mindset
How to Build Your Personal Brand/Become a Thought Leader
How to Improve Productivity/Time Management
Dealing With/Preventing Overwhelm and Burnout
Fostering Resilience and Tenacity (during times of change)
Finding Your Why and Moving Your Business Goals Forward
Mindset Shifts for Women in Business
Other Topics (tailored to your specific needs)

Workshops/Training for Entrepreneurs

How to Thrive as a Fempreneur (female entrepreneur)
How to Foster Work-Life Balance as a Business Owner
How to Become More Innovative and Resilient to Increase Business Success
How to Develop an Entrepreneurial Mindset
How to Build Your Personal Brand/Become a Thought Leader
Other Topics (tailored to your specific needs)

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