Today I share with you guys a little documentation and history of where I came from and what I did to gain the freedom that I have now. 

I think a lot of people like to show off what they have but they don’t show you what they had to go through to get there. 

It seems we never quite ever get to hear the entire story. 

My agenda in this particular episode is to inform you guys on a little bit of what it looks, tastes and feels like to work towards an alternative lifestyle design.

Nobody’s life situations are the same. 

But I think we can all learn from each other by hearing the stories and the advice that can be shared.

I feel the story can inspire certain individuals who are suffering from this lockdown situation. 

To think good and hard about what they can do and what they can control. Perhaps stop focusing on the wrong things and start focusing on what I will define as the right things. 

Such as how did we get here? 

And what is it that we can do so this never happens again?

What will it take for us to get ahead? 

I’m not sure about you guys, but when I’m interested in something, I find great value in observing those who came before me.

Your story is yours and yours alone. 

My question to you is, when will you start writing it and what will you put down in it?


Thank you for being here today. 

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Adrian Babashoff