Next Episode: Tax free freedom

Welcome to my very first post. My name is Adrian Babashoff and I am the host of “Up and In It”. 

I’m so excited to start this off. But first I feel I should give you guys a description of what the show is all about. So, let’s just get in it. 

Let’s start with some highlights of what I have to offer, because as I’ve learned I’m supposed to engage you in the first few seconds before I lose you. 

So here are my major bullet points. Through hard work and very detailed life planning I have achieved one year supply of emergency funds. I have also done this being my fifth year in a row in nine month intervals. Meaning I only work nine months out of each year. I’d also like to add that there are many days that I have off during these nine month periods. It’s not just pure grind. 

I get to take these mini vacation/retirements of three months of the year off. And within these three months I usually travel with my children and my pet or enjoy all of the local beauty and opportunities that Sunnyside Southern California, where I reside, has to offer. I should add that I am a business owner/entrepreneur. But I feel that the lifestyle that I have designed for myself can fit anyone. Although it may not look the same, this strategy can be achieved. I’d also like to add that there is no way that I am rich or a millionaire. I am not selling anything. In fact, it is the other way around. I am pretty much all alone to fend for my family financially. It is Me, my two daughters, Lotus and Violet being the special-needs one, and a 16-year-old senior citizen dog who goes by the name of Hazel. I am a single divorced father. I have nothing and no one to fall back on. I get some help from my children’s mother that allows me around 30 hours of working time per week. 

And, it is because of these major restrictions and life’s hurdles that I have become what it is that I am. An emancipated man. 

For now, each year I am experiencing more and more freedom. I have idle time to sit and think. To complete a thought. And one thought that occurred to me, was what if I didn’t have these distractions and obligations. First of all. I don’t think I would be who I am if I did not. But, what if I can share these life skills to individuals who did not have these restrictions. Could it be that such things as, to name a few, early retirement, debt elimination, buy a house or a true sense of self freedom be accomplished? 

It Is in my opinion that anything is possible. That we can gain control of our own lives that we could be masters of our own YOUniverse . That all the proposed examples laid out before us can be manipulated or in better words done in a different way. 

I would like to note, that these are just my opinions and my life’s experiences. And that some of the subject matter can be offensive to some. Please know that it is not my intention to offend but to explore. Because one thing I’ve noticed in my observations of life is that a lot of us can get cemented into believing that life lived should look and be conducted in certain ways. And if you stray too far off, you might be insane. When I look closer, it seems to me that there are a lot of unhappy unfulfilled people in this created society. Are we supposed to follow suit? I for one cannot. Could there be any alternatives? 

I am here to say yes. There most definitely are. A word of caution. It looks and feels like nothing we are accustomed to knowing. You will look and be perceived as different.  There is an elemental sense of alienation I will admit. Also, it becomes very addictive. Once a true feeling of freedom is experienced, it is difficult to turn back. A cleansing process I believe can take hold. There is a bit of anger mixed with elements of frustration. It’s like waking from a long dream. 

How many routines and rituals do we do in our day to day lives, and have you asked yourself, where did these ever derive from. Who said this is the way it’s supposed to be? 

It’s time to rise into your own personal power of self and know and feel that anything and everything is possible. To do away with indoctrinated laws and write your own story upon the empty canvases of life. 

You are not stuck. You are someone and something great if you so choose to be. 

One of the regrets from those who are dying is that they wished they had known that happiness is a choice. What is your choice?

I’ve had to learn to believe in myself. When one decides to go against the grain, opposition is met. I’ve continued to push on alone and have been very successful because so. I believe 100% that an alternative lifestyle design can improve our lives. I believe in you. If you are ready to explore the horizons of possibilities, then join me