Today I speak of all of these things and how they can actually ruin your day, if not your life. 

I’m guilty of saying I’ll just do it tomorrow. 

Rob Peter to pay Paul sound familiar?

We put things off, and basically, sweep things under the carpet like little children. 

I wonder why we get stressed out?

 When is it that we finally decide to say enough is enough? 

I’m not sure what your lifestyle entails, but in mine,  I find if I run my life like a business and stay organized and focused, my life improves drastically.

I think this whole run your life like a business thing could sound pretty boring, and also like it’s more work.

What I try to articulate today is that when you do, apply this sort of method to your life, it’s actually quite the opposite .

Things actually get more streamlined and you feel a hell of a lot better about yourself and what it is that you’re doing.

Tune in today to hear about how I organize:

-Healthy lunches

-Meal prep

-My business

-Modern survival/business back pack

-A new way to not waste food

-Kid proofing your meal preparation 

-Healthy hustlers veggie intake

-Healthy kid snacks

Thank you for being here today. 

If you like this sort of thing check us out on 






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Adrian Babashoff