Cat & Nat are the dynamic duo behind the virally famous #MOMTRUTHS videos. Through honesty and humour, these ladies have built a following in the millions (and a business empire in the millions) simply by showing up as themselves and telling it like it is. This week, we sat down on the podcast to chat with them about how the last year and a half has looked with 7 kids at home and how moms have really carried a burden like no other during this pandemic. They’re also just days away from heading back out on tour and we talked about how letting go of the reins a bit is really one of the best things you can do to raise resilient kids. PLUS, Shenae shares a brief story about how she literally had her husband on her vision board. 


This is a two part episode, so to listen to the second half of this episode where Annalynne and Shenae dive deeper into their 90210 history, head over to the MOMTRUTHS podcast anywhere that you listen to podcasts. 

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Produced by Dear Media