Next Episode: Abraham's bosom.

*Update: Edited out the word "peoples" at the 9:35 mark. It should be "Mankind" which would be people and animals.
Hello and welcome back to Unveiling the Matrix. Today's podcast is titled "The Sabbath Day." Why is it so confusing and what does the Most High want us to do. The seventh day of the week is when the Most Hight wants us to spend time with him in peace. No work, just you and him spending time with each other. We know that the Sabbath day has been changed from the seventh to the 1st day. Man has changed this to fit man's agenda here in the Matrix. Everything has been changed here and it's up to you to search out a matter.

Unveiling the Matrix, where Truth will shine.
The Truth will make you Free.
Life is Light and Light is Life.
TruthSeeker, Seeking the Truth.
Pluto has returned and is settling in here.
The Age of Aquarius will be upon us shortly.
The return of the Dove will make its mark shortly.
The All in All.
400 year reign is over.
70 year reign is over.
Unveiling the Matrix.

Unveiling the Matrix.