Previous Episode: Happy New Year.

Hello and welcome back to Unveiling the Matrix. Today's episode is Still Casting Spells.
I didn't really want to touch on the initial topic, but couldn't get around it. I made the Podcast and still held on to it before releasing it, but here it is so that I can move on.
They are still casting spells on us in the form of all deceptions that we see and hear here in the Matrix. When you have eyes to see and ears to hear it's not hard to discern what they are trying to do here in this Earth. All praises o the Father for letting me see these things with my own eyes. I just hate that there are people who are still asleep and can't wake themselves up.
Wake up People!
2 Thessalonians 2 ,11-13
And for this cause The Most High  shall send them strong delusion, and they should believe a lie.
That they might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
But we are bound to give thanks alway to The Most High for you, brethren beloved of the Master, because The Most High hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth.

The Truth will make you Free.
Life is Light and Light is Life.
TruthSeeker, Seeking the Truth.
Pluto has returned and is settling in here.
The Age of Aquarius will be upon us shortly.
The return of the Dove will mark its mark shortly.
Unveiling the Matrix.

March 23-September 23.

Unveiling the Matrix.