Previous Episode: Walking in Righteousness.
Next Episode: You're out of order!

Father I know that you have not forgotten nor forsaken us. But there are many who have no clue why things are the way that they are. Psalms 64 is one of many that explains in detail again, why we are in the predicament that we are in. I pray that those who have eyes to see and ears to hear can understand these words and do all things here according to your will. They can only do this for so long, Our Father is letting them get their last shot in. The tide will turn because they will begin to tell on themselves. Everything will come to light and all mankind will know who is the The Most High.

Unveiling the Matrix, where Truth will shine.
The Truth will make you Free.
Life is Light and Light is Life.
TruthSeeker, Seeking the Truth.
Pluto has returned and is settling in here.
The Age of Aquarius will be upon us shortly.
The return of the Dove will make its mark shortly.
Unveiling the Matrix.

March 23- September 23.

Unveiling the Matrix.