Driven by a desire to have a transitional living option that positions itself between completely independent living and assisted living, Susan Shullaw and a group of friends co-founded TRAIL of Johnson County. As Iowa's first aging-in-place organization TRAIL modeled itself after the Village to Village Network and has grown to more than 200 members since opening its doors in 2017. In this interview, Susan shares why it's important for the community to have an aging-in-place organization, the benefits provided to members, and her vision for the future of TRAIL. She also shares how locals who are not older adults can become TRAIL volunteers, as well as advice for communities that want to consider starting their own aging-in-place organization.

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Susan's Recommendations:
- Hot Tamale Louie (trailer) by John Rapson
- Olive Kitteridge and Olive, Again by Elizabeth Strout
- Some Kind of Heaven documentary

Shuva's Recommendation:
- At The Ready documentary

Find these recommendations and others on the Untrained Wisdom Pinterest page.

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