Niki Kuklenski of Washington state has been involved with llamas since she was a youngster. After graduating from college, she went on to train the top show llama of all time. Following his success, Eagle became registered for therapy work with Pet Partners, a national organization that registers nine different species of animals for such purposes. Since that time, Niki's therapy animal registrations include more than 10 different llamas.

In this interview, the schoolteacher talks about the impact llamas can have on senior citizens in residential care facilities and the benefit of such visits for the animals. Furthermore, she shares the importance of being aware of how llamas react to community environments so they don't feel stressed or upset. With her many years of experience, Niki serves as a valuable resource and expert when it comes to educating the public about llamas and guiding people interested in working with the species in a therapy capacity. She shares her knowledge and daily experiences freely online in various places - including her website (, Facebook page (Registered Therapy Llamas), and Instagram account (@therapyllamas).

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Niki's Recommendation:
- Heartfelt Connections by Anne E. Beall

Shuva's Recommendation:
- Prairie Patch Farm near Cedar Rapids, Iowa

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