After Carleigh Berryman learned her grandmother wasn't as upbeat about life as she used to be, the young woman came up with an innovative idea that would help not only her aging loved one but catalyze a change in the mental health of many senior citizens. Through the 2019 founding of her Washington, D.C.-based company, Viva Vita, Carleigh and her team bring virtual reality (VR) to senior living communities. The curated experiences provided to residents allow engaging interactions while promoting brain health. 

In this interview, Carleigh shares what kinds of content are more favorable for senior citizens, describes a typical facilitated group session, and provides some benefits of VR. Furthermore, she talks about how Viva Vita is making the technology more available to communities outside its metro area. 

See PDF transcript.

Carleigh's Recommendations:
- Google Cardboard
- Oculus Go 

- Old Age in a New Age by Beth Baker
- Successful Aging by Daniel J. Levitin

Favorite D.C. museum:
- National Portrait Gallery

Shuva's Recommendation:
- Top Tourist sites in Washington, D.C.

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