Content warning: suicidal ideation and death.

Isaac’s out for surgery this week (don’t worry, he’s fine), but we brought in a great friend to sub for him: Chris Hoke, a gang pastor, jail chaplain, and the founder of Underground Ministries. He’s also an incredibly engaging writer, and Bryan gives a glowing endorsement for his book “Wanted.” We talk about how Chris learned about the bible and his community in some rough Oakland neighborhoods; going to jail to learn how to read the bible in context; how modern Christianity has largely forgotten the oppressed and marginalized folks that Jesus helped; Carrie fighting the good fight down in Texas; butting up against evangelical hypocrisy; (almost) getting cussed out by a nun; and we get INTO a conversation about the existential morality and theology surround the death penalty and mass incarceration, a conversation that has had renewed fervor after the murders of Brandon Bernard and Alfred Bourgeois.


Chris-hoke.comUnderground MinistriesFacebook: @ChrisHoker"The Fall of the Prison: Biblical Perspectives on Prison Abolition" by Lee Griffith

Until We Get Canceled is a Crate Original from Crate Media

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