Ever find yourself at a social gathering or a network event searching for one person you know? Only to realize you know NO one and social anxiety creeps in? Crystal speaks with Shivani, Neuroscience PhD student at Columbia University, volleyball enthusiast and dope human studying how our brains allow us to recognize each other and why that matters. (In a cool way, of course)

The Crystal Clear Purposes shared were:

1. "Sniff" out new people instead of gravitating towards what's familiar!

2. Reduce social anxiety by gently challenging yourself to expand your perspectives!

3. Get around people who know what you don't!

Be sure follow to connect with Shivani on
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shivani-bigler-99739166
Follow Shivani and her partner James on IG at MixedMuttPodcast

For more clarity, check out www.CrystalClearPurposes.com

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[ ] Masterful, Melodic Music Production by: @evthehealer on IG https://instagram.com/evthehealer?utm_medium=copy_link

[ ] Phenomenal Podcast Editing by: 4 Sight Media LLC https://instagram.com/mike_boogi3?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

☆ Tell 'em Crystal sent ya! ☆


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