What does avoiding look like for you?  We all have done it... avoid uncomfortable situations, conversations, and people, but
Instead of avoiding, try advancing the situation with trust, clarity and ease.

The Crystal Clear Purposes in this week's show are:
1.  Setting purposeful intentions
2. Initiating the conversation with confidence
3. Staying Curious (is key).

For more clarity, check out www.CrystalClearPurposes.com

[ ] Increase your AWARENESS with one small step --->>> https://app.acuityscheduling.com/catalog.php?owner=22935311&action=addCart&clear=1&id=1329319

[ ] Masterful, Melodic Music Production by: @evthehealer on IG https://instagram.com/evthehealer?utm_medium=copy_link

[ ] Phenomenal Podcast Editing by: 4 Sight Media LLC https://instagram.com/mike_boogi3?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

☆ Tell them,  Crystal sent you! ☆


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