Megan Ramos, co-founder and director of the IDM (Intensive Dietary Management) program joins me on today's podcast. Megan's co-founder is Dr Jason Fung, a pioneer in the use of therapeutic fasting for weight loss and type 2 diabetes reversal. In this episode, we discuss how chronic disease is linked to insulin and blood sugar, why insulin that is too high or too low is an issue, and the details of a low carb, healthy fat diet. Having been the first patient to go through the IDM program and reversing her own diabetes, Megan understands what it is like to be a patient. Her role in the IDM program is to facilitate the patient's education on the IDM dietary principals and counsel them on their fasting regimes. She works with patients in the office and online, travelling the world to educate practitioners and patients.

Selected Links from the Episode

IDM: Intensive Dietary Management website
Unstress episode with Prof Grant Schofield on fasting
Unstress episode with Cliff Harvey on carbohydrate appropriate diets

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Dr. Ron Ehrlich: Hello and welcome to “Unstress”. I'm Dr. Ron Ehrlich. Now if you've been listening over the last year or if you've been reading carefully the literature it seems that almost every chronic degenerative disease that's heart attack, cancer over 80 autoimmune diseases, type 2 diabetes and of course, obesity is all affected by insulin and blood sugar levels. The higher the insulin, the higher the blood sugar, the worse it is for your health. And if you have a diagnosis of any of those the chance of you overcoming them is significantly reduced. So, what is insulin and why is it a problem why is it so important when it's too high which is most common and even when it's too low? What about low carb healthy fat diet? What do we mean? What about ketogenic diet what does that actually look like?

Over the last few years this idea of time restricted eating intermittent fasting or even longer fasts that might go for a day or a few days have also become very popular. Well, my guest today is the co-founder and director of the intensive dietary management or IDF program Megan Ramos. Her co-founder is a world-renowned expert on fasting and ketogenic diets and best-selling author Dr. Jason Fung. Jason has written some best-selling books including “The obesity code” and “The diabetes code”. He has some great YouTube talks which I'd really encourage you to explore and have a look at.

Megan's role in the IDM program is to facilitate the patient's education on the IDM dietary principles and counselled them on their fasting regimes. Megan works with patients both in the office and in their online long-distance program. She travels the world educating both the public and health practitioners on this approach. I hope you enjoyed this conversation I had with Megan Ramos.
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Welcome to the show Megan.

Megan Ramos: Hi, Ron. Thanks for having me on today.

Dr. Ron Ehrlich: Megan we're going to be talking a lot about fasting and ketogenic and low-carb but I wonder if you could share with our listener your own personal journey and how you came to be director and co-founder of this intensive dietary management program IDM?

Megan Ramos: Well, it was nothing that I thought I was going to do but it was absolutely everything I wanted to do. My whole life my family has been plagued by one medical issue after another. And in my mother's case I grew up sleeping on emergency room floors and if the doctors only tried to figure out what was actually wrong with her rather than just treat her symptoms because that was easier to do than to run the tests, sent her for tests, consultants with other specialists it was just easier to give her give her a pill to treat her symptoms and label her as a weird medical case and never really tried to figure out what's wrong with her. And then eventually we figured out what the problems were and were able to fix the ro...