Dr. Thomas Levy joins me to discuss the proper role of vitamin C and antioxidants in the treatment of a host of medical conditions and diseases. We also discuss the hidden epidemic of oral disease and the role it plays in our health.

Selected Links from the Episode

Dr. Thomas Levy website
Dr. Thomas Levy books
Unstress episode with Dr Lewis Ehrlich on oral health
Unstress episode with Dr Steven Lin on the dental diet
Unstress episode with Dr Sandra Kahn on narrow jaws

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Dr Ron Ehrlich: Hello and welcome to “Unstress”. I'm Dr Ron Ehrlich. All disease is caused by oxidative stress, all cancers are a focus of chronic inflammation and chronic oxidative stress. Too much calcium is a problem, too much iron is a problem. What are the four basic and must-have supplements? Why is oral health the hidden epidemic, what about vitamin C? Why has it been described as the universal panacea? Well, my guest today is Dr Thomas E. Levy.

Thomas is a board-certified cardiologist, the author of “Primal Panacea” and “Curing the Incurable - Vitamin C Infectious Diseases and Toxins” plus three other ground-breaking medical books. Thomas is one of the world's leading vitamin c experts and frequently lectures to medical professionals all over the globe including in Australia about the proper role of vitamin C and antioxidants in the treatment of a host of medical conditions and diseases.

I hope you enjoy this conversation I had with Dr Thomas Levy.
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Welcome to the show Thomas.

Dr Thomas Levy: Thank you, I’m glad to be here.

Dr Ron Ehrlich: Thomas you have quite a journey through law, cardiology, you’ve written books on dental disease and the connection to health. It's quite a journey. Can you just run us through your own journey to this point?

Dr. Thomas Levy: Well, I was a traditional mainstream cardiologist up until about 1993 when I met Dr Hal Huggins in Colorado Springs and for a number of reasons I was open to a change and I wasn't anticipating on meeting somebody like Dr Huggins but anyway he invited me to this clinic to see what was going on and I guess you might say that was the beginning of the end or the beginning of the beginning because I saw a large number of really critically ill patients getting many hours of extensive dental work extractions etc. crowns all over that period of time and then feeling really great afterwards. It just doesn't add up to me because I knew kids in college that went and got a couple wisdom teeth out and they went home and went to bed for a week.

It just didn't add up and I said Hal what's going on here and Hal if you ever had a chance to know him had a pretty devilish sense of humour and a sarcasm not match by any and he just pointed to the IV and I said “Okay, if that's fine, I'm familiar with IVs”. You're saying an IV did it and he said: “Well, no, it's what's in it”. I said “Okay, I'll bite. What's in it?” And he said fifty grams of vitamin C. That caught me completely out of left field and I immediately resolved that I was going to start learning about vitamin C, all this history what it’s doing the literature etc.

Along with all the other stuff Hal had to offer knowledge-wise, I like to say that was the beginning of my real medical education that everything else had just been the preparation for. And so, over the course of the subsequent 23 or so years up until now, it's been quite a journey. A number of books, a number of projects, at one point in time I might begin working for Dr. Huggins as a consultant and he paid me well enough and I had enough time off that after watching all the brutal suits and everything else that he got harassed with so frequently then he had a lawyer on staff. I just decided that I was going to go ahead and get my law degree.

Dr. Ron Ehrlich: Of course, why not?

Dr. Thomas Levy: I look at these law books today and I don't know how I did it.