Integrative gynaecologist and fertility specialist Dr. Natasha Andreadis joins me to discuss fertility, menopause and everything in between. We cover issues affecting 18 to 75 years olds, including males and females. Dr. Natasha Andreadis shares her integrative approach to treating her patients, which involves everything from environmental exposures to diet to sleep.

Selected Links from the Episode

Dr. Natasha Andreadis website
Unstress episode with Elizabeth Mucci on fertility
Unstress episode with Lyn McLean on being a wireless person
Unstress episode with Nicole Bijlsma on environmental toxins in the home
Unstress episode with Kate Powe on endometriosis
Unstress episode with Dr. Anup Desai on understanding sleep
Unstress episode with Dr. Chris Winter, the sleep whisperer

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Dr. Ron Ehrlich:                  Hello and welcome to “Unstress”. I'm Dr. Ron Ehrlich. Now the purpose of this podcast is to explore stress. That is to understand what actually stresses your body and your mind. What has the potential to compromise your health? That inevitably means you have to think holistically. Now that's another theme of this podcast and it's why we've done shows on regenerative agriculture for example because if you want healthy food you need healthy soils and the decisions that farmers make can actually impact on your health too.

Now my point is this podcast is about understanding stress and thinking holistically and most importantly empowering you with information to take control of your own health, five pillars. Go back and listen to episode 1 “The mission statement”. Now you've probably noticed that I also love talking to integrative health practitioners. They are generally people who have realised that the traditional medical training doesn't supply all the answers. And then as they move through their practices prescribing medications to manage the variety of conditions their patients present with, this is the traditionally trained doctors, these patients may be on two, three, four or more medication. A medication for reflux or heartburn for high cholesterol depression, anxiety, trouble sleeping. I think you get the picture. Does that sound familiar as a patient? And if you're a doctor listening is that your kind of practice?

And then if it is well then, the pharmaceutical reps come in with the latest journal articles many of which have been sponsored by drug companies and hold out a promise to manage these common conditions even better. I mean if you're running a busy practice dealing with all of those issues and keeping up with all the "latest", I just put that in inverted commas well, then you just don't have the time, right? Well, what about if you're a patient and you just want to go to the doctor for that prescription to manage the list of conditions? Well, this certainly is synergy there, isn't it? There are lots of doctors lots of patients just like that but if you now this is why I love an integrative approach because actually there are many things I like about it but firstly, the doctor has actually reached a point in their professional life where they say, “I don't know”. Where they say there must be more to this health career that I've bought into than just working out which drugs to prescribe or maybe there are some common themes running through Let’s say inflammation, reflux, depression, anxiety and other common themes. And if I find out what they are maybe I can solve all of those problems rather than just manage them. No need for drugs oh my god what a revelation that would be. And or also maybe I can educate my patient to be part of their own healing or health journey.

Well, my guest today is an integrative gynaecologist and fertility specialist Dr. Natasha Andreadis. Now we cover some interesting ground here that is relevant to every one of every age, male and female. We cover issues from 18 to 75 and beyond but what I love talking abo...