Dr. Bruce Lipton joins me to discuss epigenetics and the subconscious mind. This is an incredible episode and one that is so interesting, powerful and multi-faceted that it’s hard, to sum up. There are so many stories and lessons to be taken from it, as Bruce says “our mental and spiritual character is being shaped by the nervous system to express reality. And if we change our mental and spiritual character.. how we handle it... then we change our lives”. What an empowering and wonderful thought.

Selected Links from the Episode

Dr. Bruce Lipton website
Dr. Bruce Lipton books

The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, and Miracles
Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future (And a Way to Get There from Here)
The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth

Unstress episode with Dr. Suzy Green on The Power of Positive Thought
Unstress episode with Dr. Shankardev Saraswati on Mind-Body Connection

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Dr. Ron Ehrlich:      Hello and welcome to “Unstress”. I'm Dr. Ron Ehrlich. My guest today is the legendary Dr. Bruce Lipton. Bruce's background is cell biology, he has a Ph.D. in cell biology. Appropriate in many ways as they are the building blocks of nature and as a starting point it's a good place to begin. Bruce has written many books his 2003 book – The Biology of Belief is one which I would definitely include on my must-read books. What I loved about it is his explanation of the emerging and empowering science of epigenetics.

That is your thoughts… Here's an example of what we're talking about. Your thoughts are things. They are actual proteins called neurotransmitters, serotonin, dopamine, adrenaline which attach to cell membranes and cause your genes to express themselves. And that expression, that gene expression is inheritable over the next few generations. So, you are not a victim of your genes, you have some control over how they are expressed. And the same… And I only I personally found that enlightening and empowering and for me, it was just profound, and I wanted to share this with you. And really the same is true for nutrients and environmental toxins but that's the subject for another podcast.

When I was in high school I didn't really like physics and when the subject of quantum physics came up… Well, I was lost. But another thing I love about Bruce Lipton is he explains the relevance to us on a daily basis of Newtonian and quantum physics. That's a big call but it's also empowering.

In this episode, we cover history from French philosopher and mathematician Rene Descartes to Isaac Newton and on to Albert Einstein. We talk about matter and energy, we talk about material mechanical and physical world that we see and the other world energy spirit and mind which we don't see always. We talk about the conscious and the unconscious mind. If you think seeing is believing you may want to rethink that one. We cover so much territory here and Bruce is a powerhouse, so knowledgeable, so passionate, so empowering. So, listen carefully you may want to listen to it again. I hope you enjoy this conversation I had with Bruce Lipton.
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Welcome to the show Bruce.

Dr. Bruce Lipton:    Ron, thank you so very much for this opportunity. I'm so excited to be here and talk with you and especially your audience. We know there's a chaos in the world and it seems like everything's going crazy but underneath there's an event that's happening and we're going through an evolution. And so, your audience really represents what I call the cultural creatives. They're looking for answers outside the box because to get through this period of time the conventional answers are failing us and there's a new world, a new science and I'm so excited to be here with you to discuss it.

Dr. Ron Ehrlich:      Thank you so much. And I know before we came on we were just reflecting on the state of the world at th...