Alexx Stuart joins me to talk about the low tox life. How we can make small changes that have a big impact on our health and the world around us. This is not the no tox life but about finding a balance and something that is achievable. We chat about personal care products, being a real food rockstar, Alexx's upcoming book Low Tox Life and preconception health plus so much more. I hope you enjoy this empowering and informative chat with Alexx Stuart.

Selected Links from Episode

Alexx Stuart website
Alexx Stuart online courses
Low Tox Life book
A Life Less Stressed by Dr. Ron Ehrlich
Unstress episode with Professor Marc Cohen on environmental toxins
Unstress episode with Elizabeth Mucci on preconception health

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Dr. Ron Ehrlich:      Hello and welcome to Unstress. I'm Dr. Ron Ehrlich. The subject of environmental toxins is one worth touching on again today, how are we exposed to it, how does it affect us, what we do about it? Now you could throw your hands up and say look it's just too much nothing I can do about it but if you are listening to this podcast I'm guessing you're just not that kind of person.

In order to deal with the problem, in order to solve a problem, I believe it always helps to know what that problem is. I love personal empowerment and my guest today has taken that message of personal empowerment on… well, and truly she's a concerned parent as you will hear but also an educator and author. It's Alexx Stuart.

Now Alexx, as you will hear through her own experience I mean, isn't that the best way of learning has a passion, a gift for making this information accessible and doable. Her broad message is low tox living. That's not no tox because we do live in the real world and now this message also clearly resonates with me and I hope it does with you after all we are striving for a life less stressed knowing that in our modern world there's no such thing or at least I don't think there is of no stress.

We also mention and discuss something called MTHFR. A genetic mutation which actually affects 10 to 20 percent of the population. I'll explain that in a little more detail in the wrap-up after I talked to Alexx. So, stay tuned right to the end. I hope you enjoy this conversation I had with Alexx Stuart.
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Welcome to the show Alexx.

Alexx Stuart:           Thank you so much Ron. Thanks for having me.

Dr. Ron Ehrlich:      Alexx, you have this program, you have a book coming out we're going to talk about all of that called “Low Tox Living” but you know, we are both quite aware of these issues around environmental toxins but we kind of shouldn't assume that everybody is. So, I thought we might start with low tox living 101. What does it mean?

Alexx Stuart:           Okay, so to live a low tox life is something that I invented as a concept. Probably about seven or eight years ago when I was thinking of starting my blog after everything that I had learned so far and I kind of had come to the realisation that you couldn't live in the modern world and be completely free from you know, environmental toxins. It's actually not possible you walk past a car and that's it, you know or whatever you know you kiss a friend who's sprayed a perfume and it's got synthetics in it.

So, I really didn't want people to feel like there was such a thing as perfection that we were all striving for because I think that really leads us down a little bit of a negative path and you can become quite angry and upset that you're not doing enough for achieving enough or clean enough. I hate that word. So, I really wanted to create this sort of sense that we could just strive day after day, bit by bit, step by step to live a life that's more in line with one that gives us health and one that looks after our planet. And that's how the low tox life, not no tox was born.

Dr. Ron Ehrlich:      Great. Well, it's just you know,