Welcome to another episode of Unstoppable Confidence! Today's guest is Gretchen Heinen.

Gretchen Heinen is committed to teaching young, culturally diverse Christians how to create multiple streams of income while still being present for life and have high well-being. She is a leader in the international health community, Find Your Fit where thousands of people come to rebalance their physical health naturally so they can show up their most productive selves. She has a 5 Star rated podcast, Net Worth It, which is listened to in 60 countries and brings the people, tools, and resources you need to discover and build your own legacy.

Gretchen is the founder of the Net Worth It School, the leading place to turn ideas into legacy businesses and overcome financial limiting beliefs. She is also She is a foster, bio and stepmom and believes that love, not DNA, defines family. She allows God to lead her businesses and believes our true potential unleashes when we take our spiritual callings and execute on them.