With 20 years as an entrepreneur and 16 years managing wealth under his belt, Brad is committed to helping entrepreneurs and investors reach their full potential, so they can focus on solving the grand challenges of our time. 


Having gained extensive experience in real estate, investments, trading, marketing, sales and peak performance strategy, he’s built and helped build several companies, growing revenues and profits into the millions of dollars. His hedge fund, Hartwood Capital, returned 106% in profit in a single year. 


From co-leading a mastermind of 52 people in China and Hong Kong, to holding mastermind groups in Bali, Italy, Greece and all over the US, Brad has been a part of 30+ masterminds and started over 10 himself, including a local weekly mastermind group with 500 members.


Brad is a founding member of the Knowledge Broker Blueprint (KBB) speaking/training team led by Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi, a self education movement which has helped tens of thousands of people to launch their own masterminds. 


Make More Marbles, Brad's company, is a top ten affiliate partner (#8 out of 5000 affiliates) for Tony and Dean as well. 


Build A Mastermind (or BAM for short) is Brad’s favorite initiative, helping entrepreneurs to add $100k+ to their businesses in profit per year with only 5-10 hours a month ongoing time commitment.  


He is obsessed with cryptocurrency, blockchain and web 3 applications like Play to Earn Gaming and Defi platforms. 


He is a graduate of Binghamton University where he received a BS in Biology and rowed on the Crew team, as well worked as an EMT.


Brad grew up in New York and now lives part time in San Diego, CA, and Phoenix AZ. 


The Make More Marbles Team and extended family of clients comprises folks from all over the world, just like you who want to generate, grow and give more money, based on your values.



Key points of this episode:
- Everyone you meet is trying to teach you something. Accept what the universe is saying.
- Try to educate yourself so you're one step ahead.
- Go where you understand, what best suits you.
- It takes a long time to build a reputation, and it can be broken in a second.
- Play the long game!


If you loved this episode, please share it 💜💜

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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thelaurenglick/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCycO2efDzL2yPETmDx99MRQ