All moms have experience with feeling completely overwhelmed. My struggle with finding a balance goes much deeper, and that’s why I have committed my life to help other moms through their burnout. Here’s my confession: I have ADD, Dyslexia, and Anxiety—and I have been ashamed of that all of my life. 


I was diagnosed at a very young age, but as a little black girl growing up in the suburbs, I didn’t want to be any more different than I already felt. So I hid my disabilities, I struggled in silence, and I put in hard work behind the scenes to appear to be “normal.” I didn’t have access to medication or treatment—I had only pure grit, determination, and perseverance to help me navigate the mental maze I felt trapped in.


For me, it worked. 


I used to stutter so bad I couldn’t talk. Now I communicate for a living. 


I remember a time when I couldn’t read aloud from a book in class. Now I am a college graduate with a degree from U.C. Berkeley.


I used to be a quintessential people pleaser, doing whatever it took to be accepted no matter the cost. Now, I am advocating for myself and for others. 


I spent decades turning my greatest fears and weaknesses into my ultimate strengths. But despite all my progress, I hit another wall of my maze when I encountered motherhood. 


Suddenly two little girls look up to me. They walk in my high heels, they put on my makeup, and they absorb and internalize everything that they see me do.


I want my daughters to be confident, self-assured, determined, driven, and so much more. To do this, I realized I need to show them what that looks like on a daily basis. But that was easier said than done.

Like a lot of moms, I was struggling to keep my head above water every single day. Between laundry, grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, working, chauffeuring—I was giving absolutely no time to myself. I would do this until the point of burnout, break down crying, then start the cycle all over again. 


Until 2018 I was so lost in the maze of overwhelm that I forgot how strong I was, I forgot what I loved to do, I forgot how to balance my needs and the needs of others. Sound familiar? For all of the rewards of motherhood, there is a huge downside we’re afraid to say out loud: Sometimes being a mom first can make you completely forget who you are.


I put my mind back into focus, using grit and determination to rediscovering me. And it was a game-changer! Like me, if you put in work, you WILL get results. But unlike me, you don’t have to do it alone. That’s where I come in.


From inside the maze,  it is hard to believe that things can be any different. You might be feeling trapped, hopeless, frustrated, angry, sad, helpless. 


If you want something, you can have it. If you are not happy with your life, you have the power to change it. The most important lesson of my life was how to take action and control of my own life—and now I am here to teach you to do the same.


I am here to help you navigate the process of rediscovering who you are so that you can show up as the best version of yourself every day! I have made my way out of the maze many times in my life, and I want to show you how.


If this resonates with you or with a mother who you see struggling, I would love to chat! I look forward to hearing your story.