Oh hey, Money didn't hate this episode. Apparently Buffy wants a hobby, because killing vampires and not doing her homework leaves her with so much downtime that she needs a new hobby to keep busy. Giles isn't having it, because he's a voyeuristic man ho needs to control the life of the Slayer. Luckily he seems pretty on the ball when it's time to break a spell on Buffy, but still, there's a creepy vibe to him, Why does he have an opinion on Buffy's cheerleading status? So the twist is that Amy's mom has body-swapped with her daughter, and is casting nasty spells to put her on the cheerleading squad, even though she doesn't seem to really have the talent for it. But whatever. There's a cartoony, low-stakes feeling to this episode, and if this is the kind of material we're going to get out of the show, Money finds it a welcome change. The pilot pretended to be high-stakes and dangerous, but it felt sloppy and silly, whereas if you embrace the absurdity and don't take it too seriously, you end up with a more entertaining hour of television. Bravo, show, you are now in comfortably mediocre territory.