Full show notes, links, and video available at https://www.unshakablehabits.com/carl-berryman

Episode Summary

In this episode of Unshakable Habits, Carl Berryman shares his journey of personal growth and how applying principles from fitness training has revolutionized his relationship. Carl highlights the importance of self-awareness, managing reactions, and gradually progressing in both physical fitness and emotional well-being. He emphasizes the need for men to start at their own level in relationships, communicate effectively, and become their partner's rock. Through insightful personal stories and practical tips, Carl inspires you to embrace discomfort, have difficult conversations, and create lasting change in your relationships. Discover how tracking progress and reflecting on mistakes can lead to extraordinary growth. Get ready to transform your relationships and become the best version of yourself.

Quotes We Loved“I actually started tracking because the first step to change is always gonna be awareness...So tracking the number of times that I didn't jump in to solve the problem was a big game changer for our relationship, for sure." — Carl Berryman"I remember thinking "I have no idea how I'm gonna live without her." In other words, I put all of my happiness, all of my sense of being on my relationship with Jenny Lee. How much pressure does that put on her? to perform, to make me feel whole. Like, how unfair is that?" — Carl Berryman "From my experience, the number one pillar is self-awareness." — Carl BerrymanIf an intruder comes in the house, I've gotta be the first one there. I gotta protect my wife. I gotta protect my kids. I have to be that guy who can be there with anger, with rage, whatever. But when my son comes home from school or my wife comes home from work and they're just been beaten down, they're feeling super hurt, I need to be the one who shows compassion and love and holds that space for them." — Carl Berryman"The things we ignore don't get forgotten, they get built upon." — Carl Berryman 
Guest Bio

Coach Carl is a Personal Trainer turned men's health advocate after realizing that his struggles with intimacy, depression, and a lack of concrete purpose were not unique. After hitting rock bottom in 2020, Carl started taking the principles and strategies that work inside the gym and applying them outside the gym.

Carl's Instagram

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Episode: 37

Season: (Not in a season)

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