Full show notes, links, and video available at https://unshakablehabits.com/kari-schwear

Episode Summary

Are you stuck in the gray areas of life? Struggling to find balance and fulfillment? Join me as I host an illuminating conversation with Kari Schwear, the founder of GrayTonic. We'll be engaging in an eye-opening conversation about the concept of the life wheel, an enlightening tool that helps identify areas of fulfillment and those that may feel draining in our lives. Throughout the conversation, this episode reminds us that while we are not born unshakable, we all have the capacity to become unshakable. It requires effort, self-reflection, and consistent action, but with the right tools and mindset, we can navigate the gray areas of life and emerge stronger and more resilient. Join us, and let's navigate the gray together.

Key Topics

[0:00] Intro

[2:21] Not bad, not great

[5:42] Is your life wheel balanced?

[10:56] Men were taught not to have emotions

[16:31] Self-investment vs self-care

[23:54] Gone through the hard times

[28:42] Reacting vs responding

[36:53] Discipline equals freedom

[38:12] Intentional living

[47:08] Everyday effort equals expansion

[52:31] Don't try to do the big things, start small

[59:58] Outro

Quotes We Loved"Our feelings are what drives our actions, and we've not been taught how to sit with our feelings and we wanna act upon them. Nobody wants to not feel good. We're trying to escape it, we're trying to find a way out of it, but yet it's okay to not be okay. It's okay to honor those feelings that we do have and to recognize them and to label them." - Kari Schwear“You can see that they have decided that discipline equals freedom ..., but you can see it clearly that their decisions and their commitment to themselves is showing up in their behaviors." - Kari Schwear"So the key is everyday, and what I like to say is everyday effort equals expansion. If we do something every day and we have the effort, it will help get us to this expanded version of ourselves." - Kari Schwear
Guest Bio

Kari Schwear is an Executive Lifestyle Coach, Author and Speaker. She founded GrayTonic in 2018 after her own experience of “living in the gray” led her to the service of others. Her zone of genius is in habit creation, communication, leadership development and intentional living.

Links & Resources

Website: https://www.graytonic.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/karischwear/

FB: GrayTonic - https://www.facebook.com/graytonic

Twitter: graytonic1 - https://twitter.com/graytonic1

IG: gray_tonic - https://www.instagram.com/gray_tonic/

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/ 

Other: https://www.graytoGranic.com/tttd/

This podcast is hosted by Captivate, try it yourself for free.

Episode: 43

Season: (Not in a season)

Copyright 2023 Unshakable Habits, Stephen Box LLC, all rights reserved

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Full show notes, links, and video available at https://unshakablehabits.com/kari-schwear

Episode Summary

Are you stuck in the gray areas of life? Struggling to find balance and fulfillment? Join me as I host an illuminating conversation with Kari Schwear, the founder of GrayTonic. We'll be engaging in an eye-opening conversation about the concept of the life wheel, an enlightening tool that helps identify areas of fulfillment and those that may feel draining in our lives. Throughout the conversation, this episode reminds us that while we are not born unshakable, we all have the capacity to become unshakable. It requires effort, self-reflection, and consistent action, but with the right tools and mindset, we can navigate the gray areas of life and emerge stronger and more resilient. Join us, and let's navigate the gray together.

Key Topics

[0:00] Intro

[2:21] Not bad, not great

[5:42] Is your life wheel balanced?

[10:56] Men were taught not to have emotions

[16:31] Self-investment vs self-care

[23:54] Gone through the hard times

[28:42] Reacting vs responding

[36:53] Discipline equals freedom

[38:12] Intentional living

[47:08] Everyday effort equals expansion

[52:31] Don't try to do the big things, start small

[59:58] Outro

Quotes We Loved"Our feelings are what drives our actions, and we've not been taught how to sit with our feelings and we wanna act upon them. Nobody wants to not feel good. We're trying to escape it, we're trying to find a way out of it, but yet it's okay to not be okay. It's okay to honor those feelings that we do have and to recognize them and to label them." - Kari Schwear“You can see that they have decided that discipline equals freedom ..., but you can see it clearly that their decisions and their commitment to themselves is showing up in their behaviors." - Kari Schwear"So the key is everyday, and what I like to say is everyday effort equals expansion. If we do something every day and we have the effort, it will help get us to this expanded version of ourselves." - Kari Schwear
Guest Bio

Kari Schwear is an Executive Lifestyle Coach, Author and Speaker. She founded GrayTonic in 2018 after her own experience of “living in the gray” led her to the service of others. Her zone of genius is in habit creation, communication, leadership development and intentional living.

Links & Resources

Website: https://www.graytonic.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/karischwear/

FB: GrayTonic - https://www.facebook.com/graytonic

Twitter: graytonic1 - https://twitter.com/graytonic1

IG: gray_tonic - https://www.instagram.com/gray_tonic/

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/ 

Other: https://www.graytoGranic.com/tttd/

This podcast is hosted by Captivate, try it yourself for free.

Episode: 43

Season: (Not in a season)

Copyright 2023 Unshakable Habits, Stephen Box LLC, all rights reserved

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