Looking for a better way to manage your kid's screen time? Dive into the latest "Unshakable Habits" episode with Stephen Box and cybersecurity pro Jessie Liew, as they explore why strict screen limits might not work and how understanding your child is key. Learn to tackle tech's addictive lure and access Jessie's helpful webinar for top parenting tips. Join us and gain the tools to create a healthier digital environment for your family. Listen now and take the first step towards balanced screen habits!

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Resources From This Episode:

neverfightwithyourkids.comWebinar: 20 Painful Mistakes that Parents Regret Making In Their Children’s Screen Time and How to Avoid Them

Connect With Jessie:

FB: http://www.facebook.com/jessieliewsp

IG/Twitter/Linkedin: @jessieliewsp

YouTube: @digitalparentingcoaching

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Episode: 58

Season: (Not in a season)

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