Do you catch yourself feeling resentful or angry because of your circumstances or because of someone in your life?   If so, you might be unintentionally leaking your personal power....and that is the #1 culprit of resentment....   On this episode, I walk you through identifying resentment, and what to do about it once you've realized you're suffering from chronic low grade resentment, feeling stuck and unable to create the relationships you want in your life.   Are you subscribed to the Unscrew You podcast? If you’re not, do that today.  I don’t want you to miss an episode.  Subscribe HERE!   Want help with your family? Check out our Secret Podcast and gain access to "Simple Parenting" - I made working with me the most affordable it's ever been!

Do you catch yourself feeling resentful or angry because of your circumstances or because of someone in your life?   If so, you might be unintentionally leaking your personal power....and that is the #1 culprit of resentment....   On this episode, I walk you through identifying resentment, and what to do about it once you've realized you're suffering from chronic low grade resentment, feeling stuck and unable to create the relationships you want in your life.   Are you subscribed to the Unscrew You podcast? If you’re not, do that today.  I don’t want you to miss an episode.  Subscribe HERE!   Want help with your family? Check out our Secret Podcast and gain access to "Simple Parenting" - I made working with me the most affordable it's ever been!