Eye opening convo with an amazing woman, mother and birth coach: Ella Goldberg is a mom of two boys and a Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator with a background in maternal and child health. Through her online courses, she supports expecting parents as they navigate pregnancy through postpartum. Ella and her family reside in Israel, and spend their summers at camp in the Pocono Mountains.


We talked about why many women struggle to release their birth stories even though both they and their baby turned out fine….What is a Birth coach and why should we consider one? ….What to do if you had a baby and are now expecting #2 or #3 - Do you still need a coach?....What if you’re not expecting but you are still hurt by how your birth experience unfolded?


Ella is compassionate, knowledgeable, interesting, smart and an absolute joy to talk to - I hope you enjoy this fascinating interview!


Follow her here https://www.instagram.com/ellallie/


If you're a parent with kids 12 and under, looking to have peace in your family while also raising respectful kids who listen to you without you having to yell at them, but you don’t know how to do that and also stay regulated, maintain boundaries or even understand your kids’ behaviors - email [email protected] or DM me on IG and I’ll see how I can help!


Tag me while you’re listening on Instagram!  @rachelduffyhere


If you enjoyed this episode and it inspired you, I would love to hear your biggest takeaway!  Take a screenshot of you listening and post it to your Instagram stories and tag me @rachelduffyhere and Ella!!


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