We are celebrating our 100th episode!!!! 


To honor this milestone, I thought I’d share an extra special guest with you, so today we’re talking to one of my sons: Daniel. Through this short but sweet interview, I hope you get a glimpse of what it’s like being Powerfully Grounded as a kid.


Daniel would love to know if you liked this episode and if you want more of him on the podcast? Let us know!

Want help raising kids without raising your voice? DM me “HELP” and my team will reach out to you to see how we can support you!

Tag me while you’re listening on Instagram!  @rachelduffyhere

If you enjoyed this episode and it inspired you, I would love to hear your biggest takeaway!  Take a screenshot of you listening and post it to your Instagram stories and tag me @rachelduffyhere 

Are you subscribed to the Unscrew You podcast? If you’re not, do that today.  I don’t want you to miss an episode.  Subscribe HERE!

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