In this episode, Monique is finally able to tell the story of how her husband and son beat out thousands of competitors to make it to the final round of Top Chef Jr. After signing an NDA with the show’s producers that has now expired, Monique can now properly brag about the two special men in her life and the journey they took from a long shot Atlanta audition to the heart of Hollywood. 

This story is meant to inspire listeners who may feel that they don't have the expertise or training in a given field to make an impact or breakthrough. By reflecting on this amazing experience, Monique shows that a little resilience coupled with a healthy dose of self-belief can take you so far in life and that today should be the day you start taking a chance on yourself!

 Topics Include:

How Expertise Is Not Synonymous With Innovation Learning Innovation Through ExperienceThe Importance of ResilienceBelieving in Yourself Despite the Odds
